Logo Dominique Aubry - Psychotherapist and EFT Emotional freedom technique and psychotherapist A pure vibration heals


          How your beliefs and thoughts
          are reflecting on your body

        N.L.P. Emotional Intelligence & E.F.T

     Dominique Aubry

Using your brain to link it again with your heart so your body can heal, as will your life ! Free yourself from your old thought pattern & create a new one that nourrishes your highest potential in body mind & spirit.  


Cascade source d'emotions positives et de libération emotionnelle
  • The different techniques

    Together, we create the appropriate care based on the needs in the present moment. Important notice: Energetic care should not replace your medical appointments. This care is complementary and in a collaborative approach with traditional medicine (allopathic). 

  • Tariff & the session

    65 € for a session of 1h30

  • Phobias Drawing by Ch. Barthélémy


    Anxiety, fears, phobias, depression, chronic pain, limiting beliefs, (ex: we are born to suffer, and etc…) school difficulties, teen life, bullying...

  • What is energetic healing ?

    As an emotional release technique, EFT works on the subtle energies that travel within our bodies, almost like magnetic fields. Essentially, we are traversed by micro currents.


  • Neuroscience and the human mind programing

    Be aware of how your unconscious mind is in control in most of your life experiences creation. You will want a way out…Quantum neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, geneticists, therapists…are working for us all around the world so these ways out are available.

  • A daily routine exercise including EFT points and The Wayne Cook posture

    I discovered this daily routine in France quite a long time ago while practicing E.F.T for my own personal development. I am glad to share it with you. It will provide centering, alignment, calm and strength, positive energy for the day. See The Wayne Cook Posture which is named to honor Wayne Cook, a pioneering researcher of Bioenergetics force field who demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique for treating dyslexia and stuttering. There are added exercises to this daily routine. Please go to See Donna Eden demonstration on youtube. Other resources : http://blog.innersource.net/2009/07/wayne-cook-posture.html https://www.quantum-way.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Donna-Edens-Workshop.pdf